

Well, I hope you've all had a good weekend, and hopefully liked (or at least were mildly interested in) the first review. It's kind of weird, but I actually feel kind of inspired to finish the collection (well, the American one, anyways, as the Japanese collection is much larger, as far as I know), so you'll likely be seeing more Oishinbo reviews in the future.

Also, HTML was being a pain in the butt when I tried to post the review. Note to self: drag-and-drop reviews out of Word directly into the HTML window to avoid formatting issues. I should also probably learn more about HTML when I get the chance.

Also, I played and finished Portal 2 over the weekend. Honestly, it was really interesting. Frustrated the heck out of me a couple of times (didn't know what to do for a few of those puzzles at first), but it felt so good once I actually found a solution to those puzzles ^_^ I haven't played the first game, since I watched my brother when he played through it (he bought both games at the same time; we were only somewhat familiar with the series beforehand... you know, "the cake is a lie" and all that), but that's all right.

And I can't help but repeat myself (only insofar as I've said this in the real world): I can feel that things are changing. There's no doubt about it. We need to be praying because things are getting really serious, and life as we know it is about to change. Don't know when. Just know. And the same goes for a lot of people; I'm sure many of them can sense it as well. It's actually a kind of unsettling feeling, really. I know I'm feeling it now. But all I can do is just live out my everyday life, doing the best I can.

Anyways, on to the topic of other reviews: I've mentioned Summer Wars, so I'll need to watch it through subtitled and once more in English and then hopefully I'll get a review up for that (my homework schedule went through a slight lull but is about to pick up a bit again, so we'll see what happens). As noted before, keep an eye out for more Oishinbo in the future, and I'll be working on reviews for Mixed Vegetables and the Bakuman volumes as well. I can't explain it, but the majority of my manga collection is from Viz... and this doesn't even include One Piece (which my brother buys... but I'll probably have to buy it once I move out), one of my favorites. Oh well.

With that, I hope to be working on more reviews soon when homework gets a little quieter. For now,
Sayounara! ^_^

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